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IGNOU Assignment 2022-23
Last updated 03 Oct 23 595

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

is a Central University located at Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, India which got its name from India's former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. It was established in the year 1985 after passing the Indira Gandhi National Open University Act, 1985, in the Indian parliament. 

The assignments allotted by the IGNOU every year have to be completed by all the students enrolled in the courses available at the university. These assignments are compulsory to be submitted because IGNOU TEE assignments are supposed to be taken very seriously as they have a total weightage of 30% on your annual report cards. If in any case, a student fails to complete and submit his/her assignment before the due date then they lose their eligibility to fill out the exam form to attend the TEE examinations. 

If you are struggling to find the solutions for your respective assignments allotted to you according to your courses then you can refer to the website of IGNOUEXCELSIUS which is the best assignment writer present online. They will provide you with the best-handwritten notes in hard copy for a minimal payment which will be delivered to you at your doorsteps. 

But, before proceeding to submit any assignment to the IGNOU one must conduct a vast amount of research from all the sources available as the university is not going to accept any kind of plagiarised content. Students are not allowed to copy their assignments from other students but they can refer to any kind of reading material available in libraries in their regions, head office, or digital libraries provided by the university itself. 

Before preparing and submitting your IGNOU assignment 2022-23 you should be careful about the following points: 

On the assignments front page, you should provide the following details which cause less time damage to the invigilator and maximizes your chances of getting higher marks. 

1. Study Centre Code

2. Program

3. Enrolment No 

4. Full Name

5. Course Code

6. Course Title

7. Session

8. Address

9. Mobile No.

10. Email ID

11. Date of Submission

12. Candidate's Signature


After this keep these points in your mind while preparing for IGNOU assignment 2022-23:

Use only black and blue pens for preparing the assignment.

It should be handwritten and not in printed format.

Use only A4 size sheets or foolscap size blank paper; Rules A4 sized sheets are also permitted.

The content of the assignment shouldn't be plagiarised.

Maintain the question numbers and topics while writing the answer to a particular question or topic.

The documents must be arranged properly and must be submitted in a paper file as IGNOU doesn't permit plastic files.

When you submit your assignment you will receive an acknowledgment receipt, make sure to keep it safe.

For the IGNOU assignment PDF 2022-23, students must download it as soon as they enter into the new cycle of admission. Candidates applying for different courses should download their respective PDFs from the official website so that they can attend their TEE examinations later without any problem.

The IGNOU assignment submission's last date for 2022-23 was November 30 but after the notice received from IGNOU university it is been confirmed that the last submission date will be 15th of December 2022. All the candidates need to submit their IGNOU assignments on or before the due date so that they can attend the Term End Examination (TEE) on December 2022.

IGNOU assignment submission should be done online mode in 2022-23 only after they receive any kind of SMS or mail through their regional or study center. After receiving any such official message from IGNOU, students can scan their IGNOU assignment PDFs for 2022-23 and submit them to IGNOU RC before the due date.

IGNOU online assignment submission 2022

As we all know that there are many restrictions put up by the government of India due to the recent situation of lockdown. So now there is not just an extended time limit but along with this students are also getting three options to submit their assignments before the due date of 15 December 2022 which is subject to change if there is any notice from IGNOU. The three options through which a student can submit their IGNOU assignment are:

OFFLINE MODE: This is the most basic way to submit your assignments to the university. You just need to make sure that your assignment is in fine condition and that all the details are been mentioned on the front page. After that, you can submit it to the study center where you will get a receipt after submitting it. You need to keep this receipt safe till the results for TEE is been declared.

ONLINE MODE: As there are many restrictions imposed due to the recent lockdown there are these two online methods following which you can easily submit your assignments.

Email Address: The first method you can follow to submit your assignment to the university is to directly send the files via mail. This can be found in the regional centers and through this, you can send your assignments. If the mail quota is over then you can follow the other method.

Google forms: Another method you can follow is to submit the assignment through Google forms and present it on the official website of the IGNOU. You need to maintain that you are submitting each assignment in a different form and they are not exceeding a total of 100 MB of space. You need to upload every file correctly and after that, you can send it to the IGNOU. But this method can be followed if the universities total mail quota is over and the university can no longer receive students' assignments through e-mails.


So every candidate must download their IGNOU assignment PDF for 2022-23 as soon as possible and complete their assignments before the submission dates for the IGNOU assignment ring their bells. They should submit it as soon as possible with proper answers and details about the assignments allotted to them according to their courses which will help them to score good grades in examinations. 

Address: C / 21A, Gali No- 2, Sanjay Enclave, Uttam Nagar, Delhi, Pin - 110059
Contact No: +91-8810-619-456

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