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IGNOU Project Guidelines 2022-23
Last updated 03 Oct 23 459

IGNOU Project Guidelines 2022-23

All the students who have been enrolled in the IGNOU university are allocated some assignments and projects which are supposed to be completed and submitted by all the students to the university, on or before the deadline is over. These assignments are compulsory to be submitted because IGNOU TEE assignments are supposed to be taken very seriously as they have a total weightage of 30% on your annual report cards. If in any case, a student fails to complete and submit his/her assignment before the due date then they lose their eligibility to fill out the exam form to attend the TEE examinations.

Students are supposed to follow some proper IGNOU project guidelines for 2022 without which there is a high chance that you will lose your chance to get good grades in your exams, or may even lose the eligibility to sit for the upcoming exams that are supposed to be held in December 2022.


IGNOU Project Guide

There are some set guidelines of the university which are supposed to be followed by all the students to get the grade certificates for their TEE exams. Many students who are unable to get proper research on their projects and assignments or are facing any issue regarding the submission of their project must refer to our website IGNOU EXCELSIUS for a better understanding of the university. Furthermore, the main objective of the project assigned to the students by the university is to let them identify and formulate research problems. They must write a good research proposal for the IGNOU AHE project along with identifying proper research design. For all these, you can purchase the projects and assignments that we provide to the students through which they can easily score good grades in their assignments, at a very low cost.

For the IGNOU project guidelines AHE 01 the university has clearly stated that the learners have to choose a particular area in which they are interested. After choosing a particular sector of their interest they need to consult with a guide and have to select a particular topic for their project work.

For the IGNOU project guidelines MAPC, the learner needs to prepare a synopsis first and take approval for it before starting the Project work. The synopsis made the students allocated with the project work related to this subject can submit their projects offline or online. Students are allowed to send their projects to the university either by submitting them to the regional study centres or by sending IGNOU project PDFs to the university through mail or through google forms. In the mail while sending their projects they need to maintain the format, which goes as:

“I hereby express my consent to direct Mr./Ms…………. Enrolment No…………..of IGNOU’s MAPC program for the Project subject “…………………”.

A student must refer to their project handbook to check eligibility. The last date to submit this project is on or before the 15th of December.


For the IGNOU project guidelines DECE, you must keep in mind the following points:

1.    You should follow the updated version for annexures 1A and 1B which has been previously revised by the university. If a student is found to be not following the newly revised annexures and attaches the previous ones as shown in the project manual, then your project will be not accepted and you will be asked to redo the project. 

2.    Students must ensure that they are preparing their projects bearing in mind the revised marking scheme in annexures 2B and 3A, as it may affect their marks in the projects along with their recording.

3.    You should maintain that you have attached every single detail about the guides that you followed to complete your project, i.e. annexure 7. Along with this, you should share all the revised information with your guide to avoid last-minute confusion.


For the IGNOU project guidelines BCA, you must ensure that you know the following things. The project work allocated to the students by the university has its main components of the whole BCA program and the students should take it very seriously and carry out it with due care. And to complete their course completely they need to score at least 40% in both sections. For completing the project you need to select a topic that is suitable for you and then discuss it with your guide. You then need to submit your project proposal with the required documents to a regional director of your centre. After that, you need to prepare your project and submit it to the university after which you will have a viva-voce which will be conducted by the regional director. 

If you are facing any kind of issues related to your project then you can come to us and we will provide you with the best plagiarism-free projects that are made to lead you to good grades, at a very low cost.


IGNOU project guide BTS the learner needs to prepare a synopsis first and take approval for it before starting the Project work. The synopsis made the students allocated with the project work related to this subject can submit their projects offline or online. Students are allowed to send their projects to the university either by submitting them to the regional study centres or by sending IGNOU project PDFs to the university through mail or through google forms. A student must refer to their project handbook to check eligibility. The last date to submit this project is on or before the 15th of December.


IGNOU Project Guide PDF

Many students find it difficult to submit their projects for their courses to the university because they are not quite clear about the process of doing so. So, if you are a student enrolled in IGNOU and are facing issues in submitting the project you made, then you can refer to the IGNOU project guide pdf presented on our website which will help you in submitting your projects with ease. Along with this if you are facing any kind of issues in searching for the materials for your project or in compiling your project in such a manner that can lead you to good grades then you can order our handwritten hard copies as well as pdfs for the projects and assignments at a very low cost. All these projects are plagiarism-free so you don't face any issues after submitting them to the university. We deliver these hard copies to your doorsteps within a week and we don't charge any kind of convenience fees for delivering them.

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